
Sunday, January 20, 2013

First Work Party of 2013

So a few of the guys were over Saturday to help me make progress on the layout. Tradition dictates that they arrive mid-morning, get projects underway. We go out to lunch. Get more work done and then my lovely wife, Kate, cooks an awesome meal. Everybody's on the way home by 8:00 pm.
Good times, good friends.
Sadly absent was our late friend Rich Chrysler. Still getting used to his absence.
Anyway, thought I'd share the progress;
Brian was tasked with finishing up the terrain around the coal plant in Aylmer. With that done I can now build the leanto over the unloading ramp and call the dock done. Well almost, still have to add ladders.
John M was given a pile of DPM parts, a photo, a knife and a little direction and the corner of the milk condensing plant in Aylmer has started to take shape. And it's worth noting that John did not spill the glue on this day.
Trevor was given the big knife and let loose with the styrofoam. Almost all the benchwork voids are now covered with foam ready for further scenery work. This is also the location where the tobacco kilns and a number of Busch tobacco plants will go on the lower level.
Dylan, being the youngest and thus the spriest, was sent into the"pit" to lay the track for what will represent the south end of the Hagersville sub. One turnout and Tortoise machine and a few lengths of flex. A stationary decoder and some wiring. It all works.
And John S. stood just the other side of the benchwork from Dylan and when he wasn't passing tools to Dylan, he finished the east end staging yard, as well as another 2 track staging for the north end of the Hagersville Sub.
Sadly absent, due to a family illness was Mark H. I think I have to stop inviting him to the house. Almost every time I plan a session and invite him, something goes wrong in his life. I'm starting to take it personally.
I don't know where I'd be without these guys and their help.
Thanks guys!

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