
Sunday, April 21, 2013

And Here It Is!

Finally, it's finished! The 2 pilot models of our CPR plywood sheathed car. Painted, decaled and weathered.
I'm very pleased with how this has turned out.
With the right weathering the rivet strips really show up well.
I noted on the prototype photos that the metal capping strips over the plywood sheets weathered differently than the surrounding panels. As I was building the cars a lot of thought went into how to replicate that effect.
I decided to try a variation on a technique I've been using of late and masked the strips and sprayed a thin mix of Floquil Rail Brown along the rivet strips. I removed the masking tape and sprayed the individual panels with a thin mix of Floquil Foundation. From there the roof was sprayed with rust tones and the underbody was sprayed with a thin mix of Railroad Tie Brown.
I think it works.
Today I'll finish writing instructions and in a couple of weeks I expect to have castings and I can start selling these puppies.
Onto other things.


  1. Sign me up for one!
    Looks great

  2. Pierre,

    I think one of these might have rolled by on the SP in Los Angeles in the summer of 1953.

    I'm in.

    George Corral
    La Grange, KY

  3. Looks like a lovely model — too bad for me that I'm modelling the other railway some years after CPR converted them to stock cars...
