
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Now You See it,

Now you don't.
Been a tad goofy around here of late. My airbrush went south on me and I've waiting for a replacement. Unpainted rolling stock is starting to pile up, to an unacceptable level, so I've taken to opportunity to work on the layout some.
I've been focusing on the Jarvis station scene and to the east of it.
 First is what the area looked like a couple of months ago. With the usual modeling weapons in evidence.

 After I was given the model of the station from Rich's estate, the Highway 6 was put in and the crossing gate control shed was added. That little guy is the top of an elevated crossing tower from Fast Tracks. A dead ringer for the original.
Behind the station is the northwest leg of the wye and the mainline for the Hagersville Sub. For my purposes it consists of 2 short staging tracks for the 2 Hamilton originated trains. The tracks are covered by a cloth to allow me to photograph other things.
 Yesterday, I got the first coat of paint on the new partial back drop that hides the Hagersville Sub staging.
As you can see, scenery work continues in the area. In the foreground I'm experimenting with Silflor tufts, which I'll be using in conjunction with static grass and other traditional ground covers.
The plan is to also have working train order boards once the equipment is delivered. Until then the train order board will remain unsecured.
I have only a couple of lineside structures to build for just beyond the station and then it's all scenery all the time for this area. All of the industries for Jarvis are actually just to the right of the benchwork as viewed in the photos. For operation purposes I'll just have to make labels for the fascia to mark the locations.
Progress is good.

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