
Sunday, November 23, 2014

It has to be done.

After some time spent on layout scenery today, the treeline and work on an orchard which I'll share when it's done, it was time to clean part of the layout.
The tricky part. The 2 staging yards.
It's sort of a mixed blessing task. I hate cleaning. But I hate dusty roofs and balky operations due to dirty track more. So I can accomplish a couple of things at once. Bonus round!
The process goes like this.
1- Move the train on the track out onto the layout.
2- While the train rolls by, dust the car tops with a shaving brush.
3- Use the bright boy block to wipe over the rails.
4- Vaccum
5- Rub a graphite stick over the rails.
6- Return train to it's staging track.
7- Repeat
That's 6 tracks in 2 staging yards.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 5
The graphite puts a film of conductive protection over the rails. It's a trick I learnt from Trevor Marshall and he gave them the stick of artist's graphite.
In a week or so, I'll have to clean the rest of the layout. OPs session coming up, but scenery is underway near Renton, so I'll leave it to the last minute.

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