
Friday, December 5, 2014

The News you may have been waiting for.

I know I've been waiting.
We are moving.
We have found a house that is priced right and is big enough for my wife, my mother-in-law and me.
So the Wabash layout will be coming down in the next month. But not before one last operation session next Friday.
There will be some upheaval with both Elgin Car Shops and Yarmouth Model Works. The new house has a basement room that is 12' x 18' which will house both operations. The room just needs drywall and paint. And then it'll be off to Ikea for tables and counters. Can't beat their prices.
The new basement has some wonderful option for a new layout. Same subject, the Wabash in Ontario, different arrangement in the basement. Dictated by the shape of the new basement.
From this view point to the bar in the back is about 30'. This part is 12' wide. In the back right of the photo is another space that is about the same dimension. All of which can be put to very good use.
So we're off on yet another life adventure.
There will be a brief period of time where both businesses will be in hiatus, but hopefully not too long.
I'll be sharing the ride on this blog.


  1. Big news indeed! I know the indecision has been weighing on you - glad the uncertainty has cleared.
    I'm looking forward to helping you bring the new Wabash to life in a bigger space.

    Port Rowan in 1:64

  2. Hey Pierre, all the best in your move. Nice to see you doing this rail line when the real one seems rather dormant at this time.
    Neil Froese

  3. Pierre,

    Well, this not at all the news I was suspecting. I have to say that I am not happy to see the Wabash torn up; but if it'll mean a bigger and better Wabash, then I can certainly understand (and approve) the move. Sometimes we have to take a step back to be able to take two steps ahead. I hope all goes well with your move; but I sure am glad that I don't live close enough to be talked into helping!!

