
Thursday, February 19, 2015


Life lesson time.
Really try and avoid trying to sell a house over Christmas. It's real hard on the nerves.
On the upside we have sold this old abode and we will be moving into new digs at the end of March.
Which means a whole new space for the railroad. And a new workshop space for both businesses.
Yarmouth Model Works and Elgin Car Shops will be going into a hiatus for about a month. Lots of things to pack and once we're in the new house the work shop needs finishing. Strapping, drywall, electrical, new work surfaces, etc.
I'm half dreading, half looking forward to this. The new place is far newer than anything else I've ever owned, so all the old house issues won't be there. But there's always a surprise or two waiting for you.
So bear with me over the next couple of months while major things transition.
Who has more fun than us?

1 comment:

  1. Pierre,

    Congrats on the sale of your house! I will be facing that issue sooner or later myself. I am happy that you are getting a bigger space to "play" in, and I look forward to reading all about the new Wabash.

    gary roe
