
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

And we're outta here!

It's been 7 years since my last "real" vacation. So this week I'm off to Germany for almost 2 weeks.
The highlight will be 2 separate Fremo events, one on each weekend.
I've talked about Fremo before.
Some of the finest modeling to be found anywhere in a rented room with upwards of 200 members bringing their modules and rolling stock together for a weekend of operations and camaraderie.
I fully expect to renew friendships from 2009 as well as making some new friends.
We're also planning a day trip to the German Tank Museum in Munster. That'll help assuage my other obsession. I do love looking at tanks!
So the shops will be shutdown for awhile, but I'll have lots of photos when I get back  .


  1. Like! Like! I really like Fremo's play-on-words. I wish I could go, but I let my membership lapse after I moved from NL to the middle of Sweden -- now I live too far away to join in regularly. Have fun!

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