
Sunday, June 26, 2016

I have a simple request...

To the makers of CA.

Do you think, maybe, perhaps, you could date the bottles of glue as you bottle them?
CA does not keep forever. I'm not sure what the actual shelf life is, but it does indeed have a shelf life.
2 identical bottles, bought from different stores. The one on the right was opened 2 days ago. Thye one on the left just this morning.
The one on the right provided CA that wouldn't cure without accelerator. The one on the left performed exactly as required. Rather annoying when trying to mount tanks onto underframes.
It's also annoying to be tossing a virtually full  bottle of glue.
Is it so much to ask?


  1. Do you keep your unopened CA in the freezer? Even if you do, I guess it only helps if the stores would do the same...

  2. I've been using Gorilla glue for the past 2 years, I have just finally thrown out the 2 year old bottle as it has gone solid with about an 8th of the bottle left.

  3. Henkel's Loctite brand is very consistent, has many viscosities available and lasts. Home Depot stocks it and they have a good turnover. I have found out years ago that the "Hobby" branded ACC are $$$$ and inconsistent. Regards...Jerry Albin

  4. Keep your opened CA in the freezer or fridge. I've had an open bottle last 10 years (don't use it that much), but I'm sure if you got into a routine of grabbing a bottle before heading down to the workshop, and then putting it back at the end of the night.
