
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Big News at Yarmouth Model Works

Not huge, just big.

Yarmouth Model Works is now the owner of the old line of resin car parts that were marketed by Sylvan Scale Models and originally created as the Canadian Railway Model Part Guild(CRMPG).

This line of parts includes ends, roofs, doors, and other bits and pieces.
At this time it is uncertain whether or not the entire line will be resurrected or only certain items.
This is where you, the customer , comes in.
Please let me know which parts are of interest to you.
Here's a partial list of items under consideration;
4/4 dreadnaught end
NSC-1 10'0" end
NSC-2 10'0" end
NSC-2 10'6" end
NSC-3 10'6" end
4/4 Improved dreadnaught 10'0" end
4/4 Improved dreadnaught 10'6" end
Hutchins All Steel Roof
Murphy Flat panel roof

Please email me and let me know what may work for your projects.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Man these things are tiny!

I'm in the midst of building 4 N scale cabooses for a client.
These are American Model Builders laser cut kits. And they're pretty impressive.

I've handled a lot of HO scale laser cut to date. The precision available is remarkable.
And "peel and stick" can greatly speed assembly.
But in N scale it's whole new world!
I can't get over how well the parts all fit. Never mind the cleverness of the designs.

The only real challenge I'm having is seeing all the tiny tiny bits and pieces. Never mind trying to keep track of which side is the sticky side.
I'm looking forward to seeing these guys painted and decaled.

And this project has served as a reminder that I need to get my eye glass prescription reviewed

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Frugal Foamer

I was visited yesterday by 2 good friends, Ryan Mendell and Doug Currie. While Ryan's Airstream was being serviced, the 2 of them came over and helped out on the layout.
With their assistance we filled over 30' of benchwork with foam to support the scenery layers that will be coming. Such a huge leap forward!
Now Doug, to his credit, likes to play with styrofoam.
Maybe even a little too much.
Points for not wasting foam and creating landfill, but really?
It would have been easier to cut a single piece methinks.
My heart felt thanks to Ryan and Doug for a good effort, and they were well rewarded with my wife's cooking and drinks afterward.
Now to buy a case of Sculptamold.