
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A small change of pace

Just shipped out this model to a client;
Such an interesting car to build.
And my how things changed in the early half of the 20th century with car appliances.
Look closely.
No side ladders.
End ladder inset from the edge quite a bit.
And the statements, compared to mid-century, these guys are over the place.
But for me the biggest deal was the colour.
Fortunately I was directed to this blog;

Which describes this orange colour rather well, and I find the colour rather appealing.
I know, I'm a little odd with these things.

I really should start looking more closely at early freight cars, they are plain cool.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Next stop, Delhi!

After too many interruptions, distractions and other delays, I've finally been able to get the benchwork and roadbed built for the sections that will connect into the space that will become the Town of Delhi.

Nothing fancy. just simple benchwork framing around the walls of the furnace room.
I'll be able to use up the left over flextrack from the old layout in here. Not much point in handlaying track in here.
With this done, I'm now seriously motivated to figure out how to tackle Delhi.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

If you bought a CPR autobox kit from me in Enfield

Please check the body casting.

If it looks like this photo;

With no shelf at the end for the floor and the notches for the crossties  and bolster close to the edge of the side sill,

You have a bad body casting!
There are only 4-5 of them out there like this, but I need you to contact me so I can send you a correct body casting.
Email me at and we can discuss getting you the right body casting .

Friday, June 2, 2017

Operators are standing by!

The newest kit from Yarmouth Model Works is now for sale on the webste;

I will start shipping orders as soon as I return from the RPM in Enfield, CT