
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

And we don't want the HO guys left out

It's not all minority scales around here!
Here's one of 4 kits I hope to have ready for the Chicagoland RPM in October.
The ACL O-16-B.
This will be our 2nd model fully worked up in CAD and a 3D printed casting master.
As usual, the kit has laser cut running board, photoetched details, custom decals, Tahoe Model Works trucks, all the stuff you've come to expect from Yarmouth Model Works.
This particular kit will be released fist at the RPM, and then available on the website.
The resin kit elves are working furiously at having some of the AC&F built 40' boxcars ready for the show as well.
More on that as we get closer

It's taken awhile

But we're nearly ready for sales!
The S scale CNR 1937 AAR boxcars are now getting decaled.
but I thought I'd share a sneak peak as to how they look right now.

2 different roof styles which will cover off 6 build lots of cars ordered from National Steel Car, totaling some 5,765 boxcars for the CNR fleet. But that's only about 25% of the CNR 10'IH boxcar fleet based upon the '37 AAR design.
Now before any of the Americans in the crowd ask, yes these cars would have been seen all over North America through their life span.
I hope to have these available through the website in a month or so.
Stay tuned for announcements.
And Bonus round!
This car nears completion. The CNR 1929 Single sheathed boxcar. I need to have the brake step cast and then I can add the last of the details and start flinging paint at it.
This model will be marketed by Ridgehill Scale Models when it's done

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A little bit of a shout out!

There are days when the interweb is truly invaluable.
As a result of a little exchange on Facebook I discovered GLX Scale Models.

Now there's lots of stuff on this guys website that is of little appeal to me, but these wheel stops grabbed my attention.

I ordered up 2 packs and I was not disappointed.
A quick prime coat and then a coat of yellow and a wash of black and we're in business.
The wheel stops are clean with a minimal cleanup required.
Just the thing to keep those cars from rolling too far.

In other news, it's been a very hectic few weeks here.
I will be announcing 4-5 new kits in a couple of weeks.
Stay tuned!