
Sunday, November 19, 2017

From pink to brown,

Just add a few helpful friends!
A few pals come to visit yesterday and helped kick start a big mass of scenery creation.
This 30' long section of mainline needed a layer of Sculptamold and a coat of base paint in preparation for ground cover and textures etc.
So Trevor, Ryan and Doug were handed bowls, shown the 25 lb box of Sculptamold and let loose.
In a few short hours the entire expanse was covered and ready for paint. Which was quickly applied, leaving me now with a a nice clean palette upon which I can apply ground covers.

While those 3 were busy, Chris volunteered to add drop feeders and main line bus in the section of mainline that is now in the furnace room. Not very glamorous, but oh so essential.
Me. I was busy refining my static grass techniques and playing with different looks for the fields around the turn of the backdrop.
There are 3 different field treatments going on in this photo. And each will be separated by a tree line, which you can see I've started to indicate with tufts of Poly-Fiber. They'll get Noch leaves applied and then I'll work in 3" and 4" trees.
All in all a very good day.
The work force was rewarded with a lovely dinner prepared by my wife Kate.
And few of the world problems were solved as the wine flowed some.
Thanks guys!

1 comment:

  1. And also Sir "Not Appearing in This Film". Don't forget to slip that last wedge of Cherry pie under the furnace room door.
