
Saturday, December 23, 2017

And coming to you in early 2018!

The paint scheme I should have offered first.
In Jan, I hope to have available our ACF built BAR boxcar with the "as built" paint scheme.

Shawn over at Minuteman Models is working away to get the right shades of red and blue for this car as well.
Ted Cullota has developed the artwork for these decals for us. So you know they're going to be great!
As much as I detest masking, I am very much looking forward to getting this car built.
One of my favorite postwar paint schemes.


  1. A wonderful scheme. A friend has one in 1/8 scale to run on 7.25" gauge track, and it is quite the looker. To bad the scheme never made it onto 50' boxcars.

  2. I have been working on building a car in this color scheme from your existing kit. As you may be aware, there is a color picture of BAR 4035 on p. 9 of Classic Freight Cars, the Series, Volume 7: More 40ft. Boxcars published by H&M Productions II Inc. in 1994. This car is from the series that your model is based on. The picture shows that the car had black ends and roof (as well as underframe). The lettering is basically the same as the car in your picture except for the BAR 4035, which is in blue and the same font as "Bangor". I have worked on building the car and I have built the entire underframe including the brake system, but I am at the stage where anything else that I add will interfere with the complex masking that will be required. I paint in my back yard, so I have to wait for warm weather before proceeding. I have obtained Microscale decal set 87-1015, and I believe I can piece together decals from it and from the decals that cam with the car to decal the car correctly (but a decal set deigned for this car series will be easier to work with). I look forward to being able to buy the correct red and blue paints. By the way, the picture makes it rather clear that the car was built with the tack boards on the doors and ends in the lowered position.
