
Monday, April 23, 2018

An Ice Deck for Clovis

This is what 4'6" of Tichy Ice Deck looks like with a Walthers Ice House in behind for storing all those blocks of ice.
Now I know that Clovis did not have an ice deck in reality, but Trevor and I agree that adding one creates a fantastic option for additional operational options. Extras can be run into Clovis of solid strings of reefers and then they can be distributed around all the packing houses on the branch.
Gotta serve the harvest rushes!
The Ice Deck will handle up to 10 reefers at a time. It certainly makes for an imposing facility.
And it's size dovetails nicely with my desire to have all rail served industries be physically large enough to warrant rail service.
If you're wondering about the colour, it's just an undercoat of Floquil Mud. Once it's fully cured I'll go over the whole thing with thinned flat white, trying to go for that faded, sun bleached look.
And of course weathering.
Lots of coats of paint yet to go!
But with this built we can now determine where the main line will be located, as well as all the other rail customers.
That'll be Wednesday's adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Hell yes. Love what your doing Pierre. You sure did not waste anytime making the change, very impressed.

    Bill Welch
