
Friday, June 14, 2019

Enabling the Enabler?

If you're a reader of Railroad Model Craftsman, you will have noted that my good friend Trevor Marshall just had an article published in where he created an SP SW-1 with trolley poles.
In the preamble of the article, Trevor relates that him enabling me to build this Clovis Branch of the SP, enabled him to build the model of the SW-1.
Once the model was completed, Trevor came to visit and took many photos in preparation for the article.
With his permission, I'm sharing a few that did not get into print;

I'm tickled that I was able to offer up an appropriate setting for the loco.
2 big take aways from this photo session;
I need to invest in proper photo lights for my own purposes
My buildings need more weathering

1 comment:

  1. SP is a surprisingly easy prototype for me to self-enable. I'm really glad I did this project and look forward to bringing it along to ops sessions on occasion.
    We'll find some decent lights for you to take better photographs. Unless you're trying to light huge swaths of layout at a time, inexpensive fixtures with standard LED bulbs should be sufficient. We'll go shopping.
    I really do like the first photo, with the 2-6-0 (formerly mine) and the SW-1 side by side in the Fresno staging yard. It's a nice contrast. I recently took a shot on my own layout with a CNR 2-6-0 and an RS18 and the diesel absolutely towers over the steamer. Here, the SP "Valley Malley" and SW1 seem well proportioned.
    Thanks for letting me contribute to your fun!
    - Trevor
