
Saturday, November 7, 2020

It may not look like much

 But it's a huge deal for me

After 4 months of frustration and stress, I'm finally getting castings again for the D&RGW kits.
The photo shows the first batch of backordered kits that will be mailed out Monday.
In about another week I should have the balance of the other outstanding kits into the mail. Just as soon as the next load of castings arrive.
All 3 of the masters for the D&RGW kits got damaged because of a bad batch of rubber, that failed to cure and as a result took forever to clean. In the cleaning process, rivet were lost, details knocked off, etc.
But now, we're back in business.
My sincere thanks to all the very patient customers who have been understanding through this very trying time. As if COVID wasn't enough this year.

And shortly there will be some new items available through the website.
Stay tuned .

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