
Sunday, January 9, 2022

Another Blast from the Past

 I've just had the enormous pleasure of completing 4 very old Storzek kits

These kits were originally manufactured back in 1985! The pattern work is has good as anything we've seen since.
Mind you they are the old metal filled epoxy castings, which are the killers of drill bits, but the detail is fantastic.
The only real concern I had was with the old dry decals, which is where Microscale Liquid Decal film comes to the rescue. The decals will coated with a layer of the film and left to dry. NO splitting or shattering of the decals as a result. Phew.

The DSS&A yellow and red scheme for Merchandise Service is quite striking. Until these were sent to me to build I had no idea of these cars.
So yeah, they were fun to build and finish. Nice way to start the year.
And even after all these decades, we can still say, "Well done Mr Storzek"

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The first new items for 2022

 One of the realities of the current manufacturing thinking in the world of model trains, is that undecorated kits don't seem to be worth the effort for the big guys to bother with anymore.
Which is a real frustration for those of us who actually like to build models, as opposed to opening a box and plonking it down on the tracks.
One of the fun things to do is recreate freight cars that have subtle variations from the more common cars, which is where "Mini-kits" come in and other after market parts.
The trial now is finding base kits which one can modify to use for these "mini-kit" projects.
Which is where these new items come in
We are now offering 4 body shells from which one can build those " mini-kits

The first 4 body shells offered are 40' long.

Part #B-10'0 D  10 Panel, 10'0" Boxcar with Diagonal Panel roof

Part #B-10'0 S  10 Panel, 10'0" Boxcar with square panel roof

Part #B-10'6 D  10 Panel, 10'6" Boxcar with diagonal panel roof

Part #B-10'6 S   10 Panel, 10'6" Boxcar with square panel roof

Each kit comes with doors and crossbearers and crossties, but no ends,.
Each retails for $25.00 USD.
Due to the vagaries of the Paypal web system, we can't link the accurate postal rates for all possible purchase situations, so an additional invoice for postage may come to you afterwards.
If these are successful other boxcar options may become available