
Friday, January 10, 2025

Let's talk about Tariffs

 I've been avoiding writing about this contentious issue, in part because I'd been hoping that is was a lot of bluster from incoming President Trump, but it's looking more and more likely.
Also I've been motivated by Jason Shron's excellent column in January RMC on the same topic.

Simply put, the threatened tariffs will raise the end cost of almost everything we consume in this shared hobby of ours.
It's that simple.

How the tariffs will be collected remains to be seen, but most likely for mail order items such as my products, it'll be collected by the post office before they hand over to you your package.
If I wind up having to prepay the tariffs before shipping into the US, that amount will be added to the price of every item I sell.
That's the way it works.

I'm hoping that wiser heads prevail in this.
Right now I am still moving forward on new projects. The Canadian Postal strike and a few other hiccups have set me back on releases of new kits.
I'm hoping that within a month or so this car will be ready

Etchings are enroute from the UK and I've been casting up a storm.
Stay tuned