
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Follow up on the Tariff blog post

 So we've been given a reprieve, for now.
30 day hold on the threatened tariffs.
Hopefully that continues for the duration.

I want to first thank all those people who voiced support for me and my fellow countrymen as we dealt with this threat. I was touched very deeply and my faith in people was reaffirmed.
I did use some strong language at times and some were offended, to which I say "when your livehood and national sovereignty are threatened, then you can judge."

I also want to drive home how massive a sense of betrayal most Canadians are feeling right now towards what we thought was our closest ally.
So let me tell you a story.

This is my grandfather;

Lt Cmd G.M. Oliver on the bridge of the landing craft he commanded for the Normandy invasion.

These were American built vessels that were Lend-Leased to the Royal Navy and 20 were then seconded to the Royal Canadian Navy for invasion duty.
My grandfather made multiple trips across the channel carrying troops to the beaches,
Including landing US troops onto Omaha Beach.

This was the legacy that has been crapped on. I can only imagine what Gramps would be saying...

It's also important to say, for the most part our issue is not with the American people, but with the current presidential administration.

Hopefully this chapter is over.

Now onto better news.
In the next couple of weeks the NP/SP&S '51 built boxcars will be released
I just need to write instructions.

My heartfelt thanks for all your support. It got me through some difficult hours.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


 As of this date, Feb 2, 2025, Trump has decided to impose a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods, save oil. Effective Tuesday the 4th.
Which still gives us an option to avoid this insanity.
Should he pull the trigger;

One way or another, everything I sell to my US customers will likely windup costing 25% more. Whether I have to add it to the bill and submit the tariffs to the US government, or the customer has to pay the tariff to the shipper before receiving his package.
We're being told that former $800.00 valuation exemption is being removed.

As you can imagine, I'm not happy about this.
The future of Yarmouth Model Works is now very much in doubt. We will try and persevere through these trying times and hope that common sense returns before too much damage is done to both of our national economies.

If the policies announced  remain in force through the summer, I will not be attending any of the RPMs I usually frequent.

Buckle up people, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.