
Monday, December 21, 2020

This has been an overdue jig!

We have an assembly jig for our etched ladders.
We'd have had it out sooner, but Covid delayed manufacturing.

This jig will securely hold the ladder stiles in place while the modeler inserts and glues (or solders) the rungs in place.
There are 3 rung widths provided for on the jig.
The centre slots are for the most common width, 18". Which matches the #353 etched rungs supplied with most Yarmouth Model Works kits
The wider, (top) is for the N&W B-5 20' rung width, and the lower (bottom) is the 15" width seen on the end ladders of many of the ACF built cars.
We are shipping these without the nuts and bolts, just to simplify the mailing process. The modeler will have to supply a couple of 6-32 x 1/2" bolts, washers and wingnuts .
$12.00 plus shipping
Sadly, not quite in time for Xmas

Monday, November 30, 2020

New stuff from Yarmouth Model Works

 Just in time for Christmas?

No new kits yet, but there is new stuff coming in that department, be patient.
We've added some parts and changed one item
First up the change

Tack boards.
We are no longer offering cast resin tack boards, but rather 3D printed parts.
Who really wants to sand the backs of tack boards?

These tack boards are nice and crisp, and look great, even if I do say so myself.


Cast resin retainer valves
We've been including these in our kits, and felt it was time to offer them separate.
8 per package.

ACF Corrugated end
This unique end was created by ACF in the postwar era and was applied to a variety of boxcars.
The pattern was created in CAD and 3D printed, and copies are cast in resin.

This end is also available in O scale, tell your friends and email me for details.

ACF Proprietary Roof
Created at the same time as the ACF end, saw some success was never really caught on.
The pattern was created in CAD and 3D printed, and copies are cast in resin.

Stay safe everyone and please wear a mask in public.
The longer people resist this simple step, the longer this virus will be around.


Sunday, November 22, 2020

The best chainlink fencing in HO on the market

 For the Italian Swiss Colony winery in Tarpey, I was in need of chainlink fencing to enclose the track in front of the winery. As seen in this photo

I've looked at some of the options that are on the market for kits, and the prospect of fiddling with bits of wire and lace Tulle was not high on my list of fun things to do.
Good thing someone invented the interweb.
A Google search turned up Alkem Scale Models and their photo-etched offering,

An order was quickly placed and quickly delivered
To say I was delighted with what I received is an understatement
Nice crisp etched parts, a choice of 3 gate styles and barbed wire along the top. Perfect
And installation was a breeze
I quickly sprayed all the supplied parts with a light grey colour, to kill the shine, as well as a few lengths of 0.025" wire to use as posts.

I started at the south end where there were 2 gates, drilling holes into the base for the gate posts, and trimming the fence panels to fit in between the tracks

CA was used to secure the panels to the posts as well as securing the gates in the open position

The main run went in very quickly, using the full panels as a guide for drilling the holes for the posts

Along to the north end where only one gate was required, and then closing in the rest of the enclosure.

The whole project maybe took 2 hours. The fencing is sturdy and looks fantastic
Well worth the cost.
Now all I have to do is build the actual buildings associated.
Another day for that.

Flat car decks, a better way?

 Following the lead of my friend Ted Culotta, I've got a new way of painting flat car decks. And I'm very pleased with the results.
I used to like the results I got from using oil paints, but this approach is simpler, quicker and visually more pleasing.

We start by painting a base colour of a tan, light brown or some such. In this case I used Tamiya Wooden deck tan. A flat paint is important for the following steps

Once that has dried, it's time for Pan Pastels
First pass over the entire deck was Raw Umber, applied using a cheap makeup sponge
Random coverage is desired

Next is Payne's Grey

Followed by basic Black

The process is quick, and very controllable. Density of colour can be increased by making multiple passes

Now all I have to do is finish up the loads for these cars.
More on that in the coming months
It's gonna be super cool

Saturday, November 7, 2020

It may not look like much

 But it's a huge deal for me

After 4 months of frustration and stress, I'm finally getting castings again for the D&RGW kits.
The photo shows the first batch of backordered kits that will be mailed out Monday.
In about another week I should have the balance of the other outstanding kits into the mail. Just as soon as the next load of castings arrive.
All 3 of the masters for the D&RGW kits got damaged because of a bad batch of rubber, that failed to cure and as a result took forever to clean. In the cleaning process, rivet were lost, details knocked off, etc.
But now, we're back in business.
My sincere thanks to all the very patient customers who have been understanding through this very trying time. As if COVID wasn't enough this year.

And shortly there will be some new items available through the website.
Stay tuned .

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Somebody was bad!

 This image was sent to me recently

Take note of the string that was tied between the 2 sill steps. Clearly done to demonstrate the damage down by overloading the flat car.
It certainly appears that someone failed basic math
CAPY 100,000= 50 tons
M3= 30 tons x 2=60 tons
Wonder who got the bill for this one?
Now why am I getting this image?
A client has engaged me to create a string of flatcars with military loads in O scale
To date we have plans for 2 M4A3E8 Shermans, 2 Pershings, 4 M2 halftracks, 2 6x6 trucks and a handful of ammo trailers.
I'll be creating correct blocking for all these loads.
I'm very much looking forward to this project.
Progress photos will be coming as things progress.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The best laid plans of mice and men

 It was pointed out to me over the weekend that I'd failed to include a couple of drawings of the Duryea underframe, that I refer to in the instructions.
After a few minutes of giving myself a severe tongue lashing, I thought about how best to address this and I feel that putting them up here is the best option.
So here are the 2 missing drawings

Hopefully this will clear things up a bit.

And for those of you who still have kits on order;
Resin casting has been a trial this summer, the succession of heat waves have prevented my caster from pouring resin. He's located up in Northern Ontario, and doesn't usually have to contend with the kind of heat we're used to further south, so he has no air conditioning.
Be assured that I will be shipping kits to you as soon as I can.

Friday, July 17, 2020

And we're shipping kits!

We have decals!
Canada Post and Canada Customs have outdone themselves.
I was fully expecting to have to wait at least another week for this delivery, but here we are.
What this means, is that come Monday, most of the initial orders will be in the hands of the postal service.
There maybe a few orders unfilled, as I'm still waiting for the last batch of resin to be delivered.
The recent heat wave precluded any casting, so we're a wee bit behind
Those of you who have placed orders should be seeing your kits in about 1-2 weeks. That's what the delivery times seem to be these days.
Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support and patience.
Now to decide what to offer next?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

A wee bit premature...

But when the web guy makes things happen one has to roll with it.

The new D&RGW kits are now online and orders can now be placed.
However, we're not shipping yet. We are still waiting on decals.
Hopefully a couple of weeks and then I can ship.
If things get too delayed, I may send kits and the decals afterwards. Not my preferred option, but all options are open.
Happy Independence Day to all my American neighbours

Thursday, June 18, 2020

We could use your help

We have a few projects we're looking at doing in the near future.
However we are having great difficulty in locating a certain car part.

This would be an old Branchline Trains part. The ACF "Carbuilder" end.
We could use 4-5 of these car ends, A or B end, doesn't matter.
If you have some of these hiding in your parts boxes that you might be willing to part with, please email me at
And we can discuss options.
Thanks for your consideration

Sunday, June 7, 2020

And here we are!

The completed pilot models.

All we are waiting for now;
For me to write instructions
Decals from Microscale

There will be 7 different kits sold
YMW-124  15' door automobile car
YMW-125.1 -125.4 6' door prewar car,4/5 end. with either wood, Trilock, USG or Morton running board
YMW-126.1 -126.2 6' door postwar car, 4/4 end, with either Trilock or USG running board
The 6' door kits come with both Superior and Youngstown doors.
All of the 6' door cars will have the option to be ordered with the "Cookie Box" decal set, rather than the as built decal set.
Features in the kit, laser cut or etched running boards, etched ladders and other details, all new Duryea underframe parts, TMW trucks, Black Cat decals.
We have a couple of new features as well.
3D printed tack boards and route card holders. 3D printed slack adjustor and brake levers
Kits will retail for $65.00 USD
The kits will be for sale just as soon as decals arrive. I've been told end of June, maybe.
Stay safe everyone

Thursday, April 30, 2020

What's on your Workbench?

Here in the bowels of Yarmouth Model Works we're working away on the pilot models of the soon to be released D&RGW Pressed Steel Car 40' boxcars.

We're still on track for a mid-summer release date, barring any delays with decal printing and as long as the etched running boards make an appearance.
With the current pandemic, the mails are hugely delayed. There are piles of Apex, Gypsum and Morton running boards somewhere in the Canada Post system. Hopefully they make an appearance soon.
There will be 5 versions of the prewar, 4/5 end cars. The options will be wood , Apex, Gypsum or Morton running board and the iconic "Cookie Box" version.
There will be 2 versions of the post war car with the IDE ends. Apex or Gypsum running board.
And of course the 15' door version.

I am not taking pre-orders, but rest assured there will be plenty of kits made available when the time comes
In the meantime, stay safe everyone.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Last Spike?

It's a banner day here St Thomas.
Or at least my little slice of it. The last spike has been driven into the right of way, theoretically.
Hard to believe that it's only been 2 1/4 years to get to this point.
My only regret is that my friends who've helped along the way, couldn't be here to celebrate with me.
But I know once the world returns to some semblance of normal we'll be getting together to what I hope to be many operation sessions.
I still have to connect the electrical and mount the turnout controls, but that will take a only a couple of hours and then I can torture test this last bit.
Rather pleased with myself right now!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The last Tie!

He said hopefully.

The last of the ties have been glued down in what will be Pinedale and the CalCot warehouse facilities. This is a major leap forward that I was not expecting to be able to achieve until the end of the current Zombie Apocalypse.
I was in need of one more sheet of Homasote to finish the benchwork and the company I buy Homasote from closed their doors the day I called to arrange pickup. I was fully expecting to have to wait months to be able to continue moving forward, when my new best friend, Robin Talukdar(aka Mr Murder) contacted me, letting me know he had some large pieces to spare.
So I leapt into the van on Monday and made my way to Robin's and came home with plenty of Homasote. So grateful Robin, thanks again.
Today it'll be tie staining and ballasting.
If I get the time, I have 4 turnouts to build and we'll be laying track. Might have that task done by the weekend.
This is going to be a neat scene once I get the warehouses sorted out.
Stay safe everyone.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

This is exciting!

I'm sure some of you are thinking, "It's just a turnout in the furnace room. What's the big deal?"
Well the big deal is that this is the turnout for the Pinedale branch and the last bit of of track and benchwork required for this layout.
I took the time on the weekend and built the last bits of benchwork for this branch.

Space is tight between the furnace and the water heater, but I managed to squeeze in there. And I did plan ahead and there's a removable bit should the water heater ever have to come out.

We have this bit of narrow benchwork before we got to the actual peninsula.

On this peninsula will be an important customer on the branch, The California Cotton CO-OP  better known as CAL-COT. From what I've been able to determine large amounts of baled cotton was shipped out of this facility.
And it was quite a large facility in it's day, as can be seen in this wartime era photo;

 The CAL-COT buildings are the ones at an angle to the camera. As a matter of historical interest, the buildings closest to the camera are barracks. Built as temporary holding facilities for Japanese Americans before they were shipped inland to internment camps.
I've been very fortunate in getting a large number of photos of the buildings from a Jeff Johnston is is modeling the same buildings in a different era. Early in the 20th century the buildings were built to be the sawmills for  Sugar Pine Lumber Co.
Here's a view of the exterior of the planing mill;

Big, long, sprawling buildings.
And here's another fun fact I was recently told.
One of these buildings was the first home of Cal-Scale. Cool, no?

Now all I need is half a sheet of Homasote, however due to Covid 19 , the supplier is closed for the duration.

Friday, March 27, 2020

For the forseeable future

Just a quick note to all out there in Model Railroad land.

The mail continues to move across the US/Canada border unimpeded.
While I'm not going into the post office as much as I may have in the past, I am still fulfilling all orders that come to me via the website or by mail.
I'm restricting my trips to once a week for now

Now is a great time to be building those models you've not had time to.

We're all in this together, and it will get better

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sometimes the stars align

The current major project on the bench right now is 8 coaches and head end cars for the Milwaukee Road.
They are a mix of older Branchline kits and NKP  Car Co kits.
The paint scheme is rather striking. Brown roof, orange sides with a vermilion band across the top of the sides. Something like this;

2 of the cars are actually sleepers and those particular cars, the window sashes were brass on the exterior. All of which makes for a bit of a challenge for masking.
So yesterday I set myself down to tackle what I expected to be a rather tedious task. Masking 74 windows. I grabbed the roll of 10 mm wide Tamiya masking tape and TA DA, the windows are mostly 10 mm high. The gods were smiling upon me for sure

Not having to cut the tape to the correct height saved a considerable amount of time, the whole job took less than 2 hours to complete.
The vermilion is now applied and curing, orange in a couple of days

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Covid 19 and Yarmouth Model Works

I don`t know about you, but I've had my fill of living the Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times!".

First the good news. We're all healthy and safe here. To date there are no cases of infection in this small South Western Ontario city, but the road out front sure is quiet these days.
I'm spending my days in the basement working on various projects, with the main effort being a string of Milwaukee Road coaches for a client, once they're out of the way various freight car builds await my attention.
Might even get caught up with custom building projects if this goes on into the late summer.

Now the "bad" news.
There's a really strong likelihood that my supply chain will get interrupted.
The USA- Canada border is being closed to non-essential traffic today. As far as I know this will not affect the mail or other commercial traffic. So I will still be filling orders for kits and parts as long as inventory is able.
My caster is unaffected, and there's a reasonable supply of detail parts and decals. The problem may come from the parts that are etched in Germany and decals printed in Italy.
The upcoming release of the D&RGW PSC built cars may be affected if I can't get etched running boards. However , right now I am moving forward, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

So in the meantime, stay safe, find some fun projects to immerse yourself in at home, and above all else, STAY HOME. Please.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A sneak peak for you

Here's a peak at what we've been working on at Yarmouth Model Works this winter.

The D&RGW 10'4" IH, 12 panel boxcars.

Shown here are the 3 body masters,
6' door with 4/5 ends
6' door with 3/4 IDE ends
and of course the iconic 15' door variant.
The 6' door kits will be offered with a choice of Apex Tri-Lock, Gypsum or Morton running boards. All of our etched running boards are being redone this spring to correct some minor errors we've discovered and it will be the corrected running boards that will be included.
The 6' door cars will have the choice of either Youngstown or Superior doors.
And we're really excited to announce that we will have created an all new set of Duryea underframe parts.
In conjunction the etched details  currently in production for the underframe, we believe that this will be nicest Duryea underframe yet seen in the resin kit world.
And as usual the kit will include our etched ladders and other details as you would expect from us.
Speedwitch Media is working on the decals for us. And we will be offering the as built scheme, as well as the famous "Cookie Box" scheme.
We are hoping for a mid-summer release date, price is yet to be determined.
If the stars align as they should, I hope to have these for the St Louis RPM.