Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A new kit and some other goodies

 First of all, Tariffs
As far as I know, at this time, the De Minimus exemption, is still in force which means that individual shipments of less then $800.00 value are exempt. So you should be able to get your orders from me without tariffs.

First up, a new kit


The NP/SP&S '51 design 40' boxcar.
In a bit of a departure from the standard ’37 AAR design, the NP built some 1500 boxcars, along with 500 cars for the SP&S, that did use much of the '37 AAR guidelines, featured a continuous side sill, making for a unique looking car.
The kit includes both lettering options and has all the things you've come to expect from Yarmouth Model Works.

For the NYC modelers
The Despatch end


The Despatch 40' roof

 And some fun etched bits
USRA style lateral support brackets

and another style of 2 rung sill step

These steps will mount up into the underside of the side sill.

All these items are now on the website and available for purchase

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Follow up on the Tariff blog post

 So we've been given a reprieve, for now.
30 day hold on the threatened tariffs.
Hopefully that continues for the duration.

I want to first thank all those people who voiced support for me and my fellow countrymen as we dealt with this threat. I was touched very deeply and my faith in people was reaffirmed.
I did use some strong language at times and some were offended, to which I say "when your livehood and national sovereignty are threatened, then you can judge."

I also want to drive home how massive a sense of betrayal most Canadians are feeling right now towards what we thought was our closest ally.
So let me tell you a story.

This is my grandfather;

Lt Cmd G.M. Oliver on the bridge of the landing craft he commanded for the Normandy invasion.

These were American built vessels that were Lend-Leased to the Royal Navy and 20 were then seconded to the Royal Canadian Navy for invasion duty.
My grandfather made multiple trips across the channel carrying troops to the beaches,
Including landing US troops onto Omaha Beach.

This was the legacy that has been crapped on. I can only imagine what Gramps would be saying...

It's also important to say, for the most part our issue is not with the American people, but with the current presidential administration.

Hopefully this chapter is over.

Now onto better news.
In the next couple of weeks the NP/SP&S '51 built boxcars will be released
I just need to write instructions.

My heartfelt thanks for all your support. It got me through some difficult hours.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


 As of this date, Feb 2, 2025, Trump has decided to impose a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods, save oil. Effective Tuesday the 4th.
Which still gives us an option to avoid this insanity.
Should he pull the trigger;

One way or another, everything I sell to my US customers will likely windup costing 25% more. Whether I have to add it to the bill and submit the tariffs to the US government, or the customer has to pay the tariff to the shipper before receiving his package.
We're being told that former $800.00 valuation exemption is being removed.

As you can imagine, I'm not happy about this.
The future of Yarmouth Model Works is now very much in doubt. We will try and persevere through these trying times and hope that common sense returns before too much damage is done to both of our national economies.

If the policies announced  remain in force through the summer, I will not be attending any of the RPMs I usually frequent.

Buckle up people, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Let's talk about Tariffs

 I've been avoiding writing about this contentious issue, in part because I'd been hoping that is was a lot of bluster from incoming President Trump, but it's looking more and more likely.
Also I've been motivated by Jason Shron's excellent column in January RMC on the same topic.

Simply put, the threatened tariffs will raise the end cost of almost everything we consume in this shared hobby of ours.
It's that simple.

How the tariffs will be collected remains to be seen, but most likely for mail order items such as my products, it'll be collected by the post office before they hand over to you your package.
If I wind up having to prepay the tariffs before shipping into the US, that amount will be added to the price of every item I sell.
That's the way it works.

I'm hoping that wiser heads prevail in this.
Right now I am still moving forward on new projects. The Canadian Postal strike and a few other hiccups have set me back on releases of new kits.
I'm hoping that within a month or so this car will be ready

Etchings are enroute from the UK and I've been casting up a storm.
Stay tuned

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

NP reefer trucks

 For you fellows looking to acquire an NP reefer kit from me in Naperville at the RPM;

By special arrangement with Brian Leppert of Tahoe Model Works, we have come into possession of a limited number of the NP T-section Andrews trucks.
The style shown in this image

These trucks are frames only, and will be sold on a first come first served basis. $3.50 a pair

Monday, September 23, 2024

ACF proprietary roof

 Ben Scanlon was asking for this
The best photo I ever found for this roof

Friday, September 13, 2024

New kits for Naperville 2024

 Where as the summer gone?
It's less than a month until the Naperville RPM.

It's great to see that Frank Hodina has resurrected the granddaddy of the RPMs.

Yarmouth Model Works will have 3 new kits available for sale that weekend.

YMW #143.1 CNR wood sheathed reefer

YMW #143.2 GTW wood sheathed reefer

YMW #144 NP wood sheathed reefer

All three feature, one piece body castings and new underframe patterns, photo etched details including prototype specific ladders, laser cut running boards, Tahoe Model Works truck frames and cutom decals from Black Cat Publishing.
Price per kit will be $65.00 USD
The kits were be available through the website right after the RPM at

Come and say hi at the RPM